Author Instructions for Abstracts

Paper submission

We invite participants to submit in PDF format a 2-page extended abstract (non-archival) in the area of Deep Learning. References go beyond the page limit.

Authors  can download the latest packaged template here or follow the instructions in the repository to clone the template.  Detailed style guidelines can be found within the main.tex or in the compiled versions.

Double Blind Reviewing

The reviewing process for NLDL is double-blind, meaning that reviewers will not know the authors' identities and vice versa. To ensure anonymity, authors should refer to their prior work in the third person, avoid including acknowledgements, grant numbers, or public repository links in their submissions. 

Previously published papers with substantial overlap must be cited in a way that preserves author anonymity, and any differences relative to these papers should be explained in the submission. Anonymizing the submissions is mandatory, and papers that reveal the authors' identities will be rejected. Reviewers are not prohibited from using external resources to potentially infer the authors' identities, but they are explicitly asked not to seek this information.

An exception of this double blind rule is the submission of published work to be presented at the conference.  In this extreme case, the authors must disclosed that the paper has been published and the venue.  Note that only the work from the authors can be presented in this way.

Reviewing and Author Response

Submissions will not be public. Reviewers are not allowed to share the papers they receive for review or use the material for any purpose other than providing their review. After the reviews, there will be a decision made by the Area Chairs handling the submissions. There is no rebuttal or discussions about the reviews, and the decisions are final.

Dual Submission Policy

While we encourage the discussion of novel and ongoing work, we allow authors to present published work related to the topics of the conference in this track.  Authors must disclosed that the submission is for the presentation of an already published work in addition to the expected 2-page extended abstract for the reviewers to evaluate the appropriateness of the topics to the conference.


About submission process

About submission format and contents

About the review process

About LLMs