Call for Papers 

Important dates

Call for Papers

The 2025 edition of the Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference (NLDL) will take place on 7-9 January 2025 in Tromsø, Norway, organized by Visual Intelligence and the UiT Machine Learning Group.

We look forward to gathering the deep learning community again in the cool arctic air for a physical conference.

In addition, the NLDL winter school, which is a part of the NORA research school, starts on Jan 6, ends on Jan 10, and incorporates events during the main conference days. The winter school includes scientific topics, an industry event, women in AI event, and transferable skills. More information is coming soon at

We invite submissions presenting new and original research on all aspects of Deep Learning. The topics include but are not limited to the following:

As always, we are happy to have top international speakers. This year, we have confirmed

and more to come.

How to submit a contribution

We invite participants to submit in PDF format a 5-page full paper (included in proceedings) in the area of Deep Learning. References and appendix can go beyond the page limit.

All submissions will undergo double-blind peer review. It will be up to the authors to ensure the proper anonymization of their paper. Do not include any names or affiliations. Refer to your own past work in the third-person, or if needed insert a blank reference. Accepted contributions will be accepted as contributing talks or poster presentations.

Submissions must be pdf files which follow the template we provide. This template is a LaTeX template. Therefore, authors have to use LaTeX to write their paper. We do not provide any Word template and we discourage authors from using Word for their submission. You can download the latest packaged template here or follow the instructions in the repository to clone the template.  Detailed style guidelines can be found within the main.tex, its compiled version for the full papers, or in the compiled versions here.

Reference instructions

Additional information

Follow the following link to submit your submission in Open Review:


There will be a peer-review process for the NLDL submissions and these contributions are to be considered as 'full' publications. The proceedings will be published through Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. The proceedings have been accepted as a Level 1 publication in the Norwegian system. 

Copyright for accepted papers

Authors of accepted extended abstracts (non-archival submissions) retain full copyright of their work, and acceptance of such a submission does not preclude publication of the same material in another journal or conference.

Papers aimed for proceedings should follow general dual submission policies and submissions that are identical or substantially similar to papers that are in submission to, have been accepted to, or have been published in other archival conferences, journals, workshops, etc. will be rejected. Authors should clearly state any overlapping published or submitted work at the time of submission. Authors should ensure that they are not violating any other venue dual submission policies. Papers in proceedings will be assigned the CCBY 4.0 license, and must sign a publication license agreement with PMLR.

Questions & Problems

For questions about the submission process, check the Author FAQ.  For problems with the submission side, please contact the program chairs:

Contacting PCs: the PCs will be fully dedicated to ensuring the proper allocation of papers to suitable ACs and reviewers and to overseeing the review process. PCs will strictly adhere to the following policies: